Participants sharing their experiences...
- Merchant Shweta - Life skills Trainer, NLP Practitioner
- Vaishali Nitturkar, Entrepreneur, NLP Practitioner
- Rizwana Haideri - Training Consultant, NLP Practitioner
- Hazel Francis - Training Consultant, NLP Practitioner
- Dr. Parveen Sultana - Psychologist, NLP Practitioner
- Sonika Dewan - Softskills Trainer, NLP Pracitioner
- Pushpa Gopal - Teachers Trainer, NLP Pracitioner
- Baneet Kaur Anand - Softskills Trainer, NLP Pracitioner
- Jyothy Heda - Sr. Mgr. L&D, NLP Practitioner
- Shashidhar Taduri - Training Consultant, NLP Practitioner
- Sachin Dhote - MBA Student, NLP Pracitioner
- Saira Nikhat - Corporate Trainer, NLP Practitioner
- Vivek Goel - Training Consultant, NLP Practitioner
- Sundararaj Thondaman, L&D Professional, NLP Practitioner
- Aditya Venkat - MBA Student, NLP Pracitioner
- K Vasudha - Softskills Trainer, NLP Practitioner
- Manasa Pamaraju - L&D Professional, NLP Practitioner
- M.L. Prathima - Softskills Trainer, NLP Practitioner
- Nazimuddin Mubeen - IT Professional
- Breakthrough Session with the Participants